This cake is the easiest and yummiest thing to prepare, it's creamy yet light, delicious and it's full of goodness, packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all natural, a non-guilt treat for your loved ones <3
Base: Filling:
-200 grams mixed nuts - 2 cups cashews (soaked for about 2 hours)
-20 pitted dates - 1 can of coconut cream
- 1 tbsp shredded coconut - 1 and a half ripe mangoes
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
Topping: - Half a lemon zest
- Optional: 1 tsp of agave syrup
-1/2 mango
- 2 tbsp coconut oil or water
- Berries of any kind to garnish

- In a food processor blend all the ingredients until they bind together.
- Using any tray, distribute the mixture evenly across all of them and press down evenly into the bottom of the tray.

​- Soak cashews for at least 2 hours (I used distilled water)
-Take skin of mangoes.
-In a blender, combine all filling ingredients. Making sure that you blend the mixture until smooth, the mixture will be thick.
- For the topping, place the half of mango in a blender with ether coconut oil OR a bit of water and blend until pureed.
- Pour over the filling mixture and even it out.
- Pour mixture on top of the base and even it out. I personally placed some the mixture on little dessert cups like the ones in this photo (So much easier and faster!)

With small containers or glasses like these, you can pour the mango topping right away after the mixture, and then place straight on the fridge to cool for half an hour.

If you use a baking tray, put cling wrap inside it so it’s easier to take the cheesecake out, then when it's all covered up with the wrap, add the mango pulp, then let this sit in the freezer for an hour or so (time to freeze will vary depending on thickness of layer)

Once this freezes, add mango cheesecake mixture, and let it freeze for a bit more than an hour, when frozen, add the base.
I flattened the mixture with my hands and then carefully placed it over as I didn’t have enough time to allow it to properly freeze (had friends over so had to speed up the process =)
Once is done, put a plate on top of tray and flip over, it should come out nice and easy, then garnish and cut slices as you please =) I cut the edges to make it look a bit more tidy
You can take this out of the freezer 30 minutes before serving and place cake/s in the fridge to soften out
Enjoy! Namaste